27th International Conference on
Discovery Science 2024

October 14-16 2024 | Pisa, Italy

Special Track SoBigData: Call for Papers


Aims & Scope

SoBigData RI (www.sobigdata.eu) is a distributed, Pan-European, multi-disciplinary research infrastructure aimed at using social mining and big data to understand the complexity of our contemporary, globally-interconnected society. This year, Discovery Science and SoBigData RI, collaborate in order to have a special track. The topics are the same of the main track but focussed on experiments for the SoBigData research spaces:

  • Demography, Economy and Finance 2.0: traditional complex socio-economic financial systems in conjunction with emerging ones, in particular, block-chain & cryptocurrency markets and their applications such as smart property, Internet of things, energy trading, and smart contracts.
  • Disaster Response and Recovery: methods and tools to analyze, monitor, and improve post-disaster reconstruction processes in socio-economic areas, spatial planning, environmental health in cooperation with national and international institutions.
  • Health Studies: experiments addressing health-related issues, including medical, nutrition, environmental health and network medicine. It entails integrating multidisciplinary scientific research including machine learning techniques and AI technologies.
  • Pervasive Intelligence in Cyber-Physical Systems for Future Society: experiments on AI models for a dynamic and automatic allocation of resources capable of reacting to changes in services, application requirements, sustainability, and user-generated traffic. Specific attention will also be given to approaches based on the emulation of biological brain mechanisms, called Cyber-Physical systems, with the aim of creating a “conscious system” able to self-control a large number of subsystems.
  • Societal Debates and Misinformation: experiments analyzing both discussions on social media and journalistic production to understand which are the most debated topics.
  • Next-Generation Internet: experiments investigating the effect of Next Generation Internet paradigms by developing user- and device-centric services for groups of mobile users based on direct communication between faredge devices, validating them in the same application areas.
  • Sustainable Cities for Citizens: experiments about the usage of mobile devices data, georeferenced social media data, or other spatio-temporal data to model human behavior and activities.
  • XAI: experiments on Explainable artificial intelligence systems, with a focus on the design and analysis of explanation methodologies to empower human understanding and trust.

Submitted paper must refer to a specific research space. Submitted papers must contain all the references to data and methods used in order to be accessible to the SoBigData community and to be published on the platform catalog (only in case of acceptance). Accepted papers will be published in DS2024 proceedings and disseminated through the research infrastructure channels.

Important Dates

Abstract submission (deadline): Monday June 3 Monday June 17, 2024 (EXTENDED)
Full paper submission (deadline): Monday June 10 Monday June 24, 2024 (EXTENDED)
Notification of acceptance: Monday July 22 Monday August 12, 2024 (EXTENDED)
Camera-ready version, author registration: Monday August 5 Monday September 2, 2024 (EXTENDED)
All dates are specified as 23:59:59 SST (Standard Samoa Time / Anywhere on Earth)

Submission Procedure

Contributions, written in English, must be formatted according to the guidelines of the Lecture Notes of Computer Science (LNCS) series by Springer-Verlag, which are available together with templates here: https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines.

We strongly recommend using the LNCS template for LaTeX. The page limit for any contribution, including figures, title pages, references, and appendices, is 15 pages in the LNCS format. Submission of the camera-ready version of the paper has to include the authors’ consent to publish on the above Springer LNCS website. Submissions will be reviewed following a single-blind procedure. Therefore, authors should include their names and affiliations in the paper. Authors may not submit any paper which is under review elsewhere or which has been accepted for publication in a journal or another conference; neither will they submit their papers elsewhere during the review period of DS’ 2024.

Accepted papers will be published in the Discovery Science Springer LNCS series https://link.springer.com/conference/dis.

Submission System: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/DS2024/

Copyright Form: http://ds2024.isti.cnr.it/CopyrightForm_DS2024_Proceedings.docx

At least one of the authors must be a registered participant at the conference to present the work.

Special Issue

The authors of a number of selected papers presented at DS 2024 will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers for possible inclusion in a special issue of Machine Learning journal (published by Springer) on Discovery Science. Fast-track processing will be used to have them reviewed and published.

Best Paper Award

There will be a Best SoBigData Paper Award in the value of 550 Eur sponsored by SoBigData.