27th International Conference on
Discovery Science 2024

October 14-16 2024 | Pisa, Italy

Doctoral Consortium: Call for Contributions


Aims & Scope

Discovery Science 2024 conference provides an open forum for intensive discussions and exchange of new ideas among researchers working in the area of Discovery Science. The conference focus is on the use of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Big Data Analytics methods in science. Its scope includes the development and analysis of methods for discovering scientific knowledge, coming from machine learning, data mining, intelligent data analysis, and big data analytics, as well as their application in various domains.

The Doctoral Consortium (DC) provides an opportunity to present and discuss their doctoral research ideas and progress in a supportive, formative and yet critical environment and receive feedback from reviewers, mentors and peers from the field of Discovery Science. The DC will also provide opportunities to network and build collaborations with other members of the Discovery Science community. We welcome submissions across research Discovery Science-related domains and which address, but are not limited to, the topics of the Research Track.

The event is intended for early as well as middle/late-stage PhD candidates and asks them to formulate and submit a concrete PhD research proposal, preferably supported by some preliminary results. The proposal will be peer-reviewed. If accepted, students must register and physically attend the event to present their PhD research proposal in a Poster session. Details for the submission are found below under “Submission Details”.

Important Dates

Submission due: Saturday June 22 Monday August 26, 2024 (EXTENDED)
Notification of acceptance: Saturday July 27 Thursday August 29, 2024 (EXTENDED)
Camera-ready version (extended abstract), author registration: Monday August 5 Thursday September 5, 2024 (EXTENDED)
All dates are specified as 23:59:59 SST (Standard Samoa Time / Anywhere on Earth)

Submission Details

Authors should submit an up-to four-page (excluding references) description of their PhD research proposal. All submissions must be written in English, using the PDF file format, following the formatting guidelines of the research track, and submitted electronically via the CMT submission system: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/DS2024/

The papers should have a single author (the PhD candidate) and submissions are *not* anonymous. Supervisors, other involved persons, and funding agencies should be acknowledged in an Acknowledgements section.

Research proposals (and if accepted, the Posters) should contain the following elements:

  • Context: the background and motivation for your research, including the related work that frames your research
  • Research questions/challenges: what are the research questions/challenges that your dissertation addresses? Try to highlight how it differs from existing literature.
  • Method/approach and evaluation: how is each of the research questions answered? How are results evaluated? If you are planning to conduct studies or build prototypes, provide a brief description.
  • Preliminary results (if available). Highlight results and contribution to date and the timeplan for projected steps.
  • Discussion and future work: what are intermediary conclusions, and what are the planned next steps?

All accepted research proposals will be presented in a Poster session. Posters and PDF documents will be available on the conference website. PhD students are encouraged to link in the poster complementary materials (e.g. images, videos, code).

Copyright Form: http://ds2024.isti.cnr.it/Ceur-copyright-proceedings.pdf

At least one of the authors must be a registered participant at the conference, and attend the Poster Session to present the work.

All papers accepted at the poster session will be published as extended abstracts (up to 4 pages in LNCS format) in CEUR proceedings.